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As we've settled into our new Missouri office location, we've been amazed at how our move is already bringing transformation. Since January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we want to share one of the surprising realizations we've had as we've worked with survivors from the new space.

Commercial Street hasn't always been a nice, beautifully kept street with flourishing store-fronts and quaint local foods. It was a rough place for a long time. Through the years, we've heard many stories of women who had negative or even traumatic experiences on this street.

One of our long-time survivor friends recently came to see the new space. As we excitedly offered various lunch options, she got a little anxious. “No, I can’t go there,” she responded to one suggestion, “there are too many memories there.” She later explained that her trafficker had taken her there, leaving her with traumatic memories of the place.

Another woman we're working with was trafficked here for many years. She shared that she had regularly solicited clients just down the street at a bus stop. Commercial Street was her “track,” and it was strange to be back on the street again, especially after experiencing some healing and recovery.

After hearing these stories, we're even more confident of the intentional planting of NightLight on this street. Our new location is bringing transformation into stories of past trauma and exploitation. Today we get to open our doors and offer a safe space, care for hurting hearts, and extend encouragement in a place that used to carry difficult memories.

Our God is the God of restoration, and we're grateful to participate in this amazing process – bringing light into dark places and new life into places of brokenness!

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Help us defeat the darkness of human trafficking.


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