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Mona’s eyes lit up when we walked through the door. She was so excited and proud to show us her new apartment! The cozy space was decorated nicely, but more importantly, it was a place where she felt safe, stable, and off to a fresh start. Not only was she thriving in her new space, but she also had an amazing update to share: Mona was beginning to share her story with other survivors to help them break free from the same life she left behind.

Mona’s long history in the sex industry began at a very young age when a parent first sold her. Men abused her as a teen, and she spent a substantial part of her adult life in a vicious cycle of exploitation, drug use, and legal troubles. She never had the chance to pursue education, training, or a career that could help her break free.

After finding herself in prison for the sixth time, Mona was given the opportunity to enter a restoration program for survivors of trafficking and exploitation. There she met another survivor who told her about NightLight, and once she moved back to Springfield, she immediately reached out to receive case management, relational support, and counseling from us as a client.

Two years later, Mona is thriving! The counseling she continues to receive has helped her move forward from much of the trauma in her past and develop emotional and relational skills to navigate her new life and future. She has grieved the time she lost in her years of exploitation, but now she has a unique opportunity to redeem that time by making a difference in the lives of other women.

A court diversion program that connects with women who have been in prostitution asked Mona to share her story with ladies who are going through their program. Sitting on her couch in her sweet little home, she told us all about her experience with speaking to other survivors of trafficking and exploitation. It’s rewarding yet challenging. Recently, she called us with an even more exciting update – two women she’s spoken with have decided to leave prostitution, and another one entered a recovery program after being inspired by her journey!

It’s incredible to reflect on how far Mona has come. We celebrate with her that she’s not only living a full and recovered life, but she’s multiplying her freedom by sharing her strength with others. Mona’s probation time is nearly over, and she’s looking forward to taking next steps toward her education early next year and continuing to love her job. There’s so much life ahead for her, and she’s determined to continue redeeming lost time by helping other women break free into a new life, too.


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