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Jane was an entrepreneur. She had put a lot of hard work and all her money into building up her shop in Africa, and her business supported her family well. But when a trusted friend betrayed her, she lost everything. 

A job offer in Thailand felt like the solution she needed, and before long she was on a plane to Bangkok. When Jane arrived, her new “boss” took her passport and forced her into prostitution — she was told she owed $6,000.

Eventually, Jane found a way to escape and went to her embassy for help. She was referred to NightLight’s aftercare program where she engaged in activities to heal, learn, and rebuild her life. 

Jane was making great progress, but her heart was worried for her children who were in danger in her home country. She needed to get home but had no way to provide for her family there — she would be at risk of being trafficked again. If she could just reopen her shop, she would be able to support her kids’ schooling and family expenses. One of NightLight’s volunteers sat with her and worked out a solid business plan to achieve her goal.

When Jane’s travel documents had been restored and she could finally go home, NightLight gave Jane a repatriation grant of $1,200. She cried as she received it and said, “Thank you so much for everything. You have changed my life.”

Jane returned home and quickly purchased the supplies needed to reopen her shop. The store is open now, and Jane is able to provide for her family. She is grateful for her freedom, and for the funding that enabled her to not just survive but thrive once again as an entrepreneur. 

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